Pre Performance Skills

Internal Dialogue/Self Talk
Mental rehearsal

Pre Performance Skills

It is not what happens to you, but how you respond internally to what happens to you, that determines your thoughts, feelings, and your actions. By controlling your inner dialogue, or your “self talk,” you can begin to assert control over every part of your life. If you get stuck viewing your life and experience from a negative or pessimistic position you will in fact be sabotaging your opportunities for success. An attitude and an inner dialogue that is positive and optimistic will promote successful performance.

The use of Mental Rehearsal, Visualization and Hypnosis allow for the utilization of mental processes to enhance performance. The experienced Team of dpc will teach you how to:-

  • Develop routines to assist sports performance e.g. golf. Tennis, sailing. Flying, motor sport etc;
  • Mentally prepare for success
  • Mentally recover from errors, adversity and disappointment
  • To incorporate confidence and positiveness into your life and performance
  • Learn how to accelerate skill acquisition and performance enhancement
  • To achieve you need for great performance
  • To get in the ‘zone’.
  • etc;